Monthly Archive: July, 2012

running is on pause due to all the blood

this morning, at the VERY wee hour of 6:07 am, i took one of the dogs out for a quick walk. less than three feet from the porch, she lunged for the grass,… Continue reading

grad school looms, again

and the financial aid joyride (um, except, less joy) begins. again. in essence: my school has to confirm that i am not being funded by any department within the school in order for… Continue reading

summer tv

i’ve been watching a lot of tv shows aimed at teenage girls. pretty little liars is my new favorite, minus the creepy, creepy romance between a 17-year-old and her former high school english teacher.… Continue reading

challenge update

i’ve still been running, i swear, i just failed at updating y’all. and my phone is downstairs, and i am upstairs, so i have no access to the times or miles run. but,… Continue reading

day 5: shift in plans

every now and then, some nerve in my neck gets overly engaged, and my neck muscles go into full lockdown. i cannot turn my head to the right (always the right), there is… Continue reading

day 4

1.65 miles, 11 minute pace, around 75 degrees out? probably. i also know that my first mile (which i ran without walking) was a 10:30 pace. i ran more of this that i… Continue reading

day 3

1.48 miles, 88 degrees out, 11.16/mile. it was a hilly run, too, which was stupid, but awoke some part of my brain that thinks in bumper sticker slogans. here are my thoughts during… Continue reading

day two

this morning’s run: 1.28 miles,11.03 pace, 73 degrees less painful than the first run. ran a new route – along our downtown mall, which was lovely. also ran past a friend without noticing,… Continue reading

day 1

i have learned a valuable lesson today. no matter how f*ing tired i am at 630 in the morning, go for a run then. it will probably be infinitely better than any run… Continue reading

personal challenge: let’s give this a go

so, my friend rachel recently completed a 60 day running challenge. she did something simple: ran every day for 60 days. and it sort of goaded me into running more each week. and… Continue reading